2018-A-289 Plant Health Bioinformatic Network (PHBN)
In the last decade, High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS), also referred to as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), has revolutionized biology and medicine. The technology allows DNA and RNA sequencing data to be generated in huge amounts at a very low cost, enabling the parallel processing of many samples. The resulting large amounts ...
Accordo interistituzionale Servizio Fitosanitario regione Piemonte e Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante, CNR (FITOPIEM)
Institutional collaboration between the Phytosanitary Sector and Technical-Scientific Services of the Piedmont Region and the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection for the identification and characterization of plant pathogens and parasites and the development of sustainable strategies for their control; the study of interactions with other plant organisms and the environment; ...
Arbuscular mycorrhiza potential to modify grapevine defence against viruses (MYCO GRAPE)
MYCO-GRAPE is a project of the Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation (Split, Croatia) funded by the Croatian Science Fundation. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are proven to have potential for alleviation of biotic stress in plants and activation of mycorrhiza-induced resistance. However, there are significant gaps in the knowledge ...
BatRam: Diagnosi di Batteri fitopatogeni mediante spettroscopia Raman e machine learning
The Bat-Ram project plans to apply Raman spectroscopy to rapidly characterize and identify plant pathogenic bacteria, e.g. Pseudomonas syringae, Xanthomonas campestris, Erwinia amylovora, agents of serious bacteriosis on actinidia, bean and pome fruit crops. The technique will be validated on other bacterial species and on various isolates present in the ...
Breeding ed innovazioni a supporto della corilicoltura piemontese (BREEDINCORE)
Hazelnut cultivation in Piedmont is a rapidly growing agricultural sector characterized by: i) constant and significant increase in the total area planted; ii) high quality profile of its production, based on the cultivar ‘Tonda Gentile Trilobata’ (TGT). This favorable situation is contrasted by the negative impact of climate change on ...
Climate Smart WATer Management and Sustainable DEVelopment for food and agriculture in North-East Africa (WATDEV)
Management of water resources in East African river basins is a sensitive issue, linked both to food security and water management in agriculture. Water management is strictly interlinked with the sustainability of other natural resources, such as biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, soil, energy and with livelihoods of people. In many ...
Collaboration for the project DEBUG
Contract between Università’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza and CNR – Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection for the realization of the project n. 29 “DEBUG – New knowledge for the control of the alien pest Halyomorpha halys in vineyards of the Lombardy Region ” funded by Regione Lombardia 2018 D.D.S. ...
The aim of the CRIREC project is to recover varieties of chrysanthemum in great demand from a commercial point of view, but which have now disappeared from the catalogs of both Dutch and Danish breeders; the varieties “Turner”, “Snowdon”, “Dilana” and “Spider” will be considered which, due to viral diseases ...
DROni per il monitoraggio Noccioli sul Territorio (DroNuts)
The main objective of DroNuts is the construction of a hardware and software infrastructure capable of providing the Piedmontese sector of hazelnut production with an economic and reliable remote sensing service, based on the use of drones able to evaluate the pathophysiological state of the plants. Project Leader: Emanuela ...
FD_LAMPvett: Diagnostica tempestiva per il rilevamento del fitoplasma della Flavescenza Dorata della vite
The objective of the FD_LAMPvett project is to develop a rapid molecular LAMP technique for the early identification of the grapevine flavescence dorée (FD) phytoplasma. The developed LAMP technique will be compared with the LAMP protocols already identified for the detection of FD phytoplasma in infected grapevine plants. To evaluate ...
FlavescEnza DOrata: verso l’identificazione dei meccanismi di ResistenzA e/o tolleranza in vite (FEDORA)
Flavescence dorée (FD), a quarantine disease that afflicts the viticulture of Southern Europe, is a real threat to the regional economy. Since the management of FD is based exclusively on preventive control strategies that are both ecologically impacting (mandatory insecticide treatments) and expensive (elimination of infected plants and their replacement ...
Prevention and control of new and invasive geminiviruses infecting vegetables in the Mediterranean – PRIMA2018 The GeMed project is dedicated to the assessment of the phytopathological situation and the prevention of potentially dangerous invasive geminivirus infections in the Mediterranean area, with regard to cucurbit and tomato crops. The “circulating geminiviroma” ...
The GrapeStress main objective is to address important viticulture problems, such as the massive use of fungicides to fight against fungal pathogens and the need for a sustainable management of water resources. Somaclonal lines obtained in the frame of EditGrape project after in vitro application of a selective pressure, aimed ...
Identificazione e analisi Funzionale di geni di insetto vettore coinvolti nella Specificità di Trasmissione di fitoplasmi (FOotSTEP)
The aim of the Project is to identify genes of insect vectors involved in specificity of phytoplasma transmission mechanisms by verifying their role in vivo through functional analysis. Customized molecular reagents, such as recombinant phytoplasma membrane proteins and specific antibodies, will be produced and characterized. These molecules will be used ...
Impronte molecolari e meccanismi fisiologici alla base dell’adattamento della vite a stress ambientali estremi (GRAPEFIT)
The GRAPEFIT project was conceived to deepen the physiological and molecular mechanisms at the basis of grapevine adaptability to drought events either occurring over a restricted time span or long-lasting. The main objectives of the scheduled research activities will be: 1) to demonstrate whether vines in vitro regenerated through somatic ...
Innovazioni vivaistiche per la corilicoltura piemontese (INNOCORE)
In Piedmont, the hazelnut cultivation is characterized by a constant and significant increase in the total area planted. Thus, considering the growing demand for multiplication material of quality and the specific requirements of the market, the nursery sector must offer certified material, from the phytosanitary point of view, and innovative ...
LODICAM: Development of sustainable management and timely in-field diagnostics against hazelnut powdery mildew, recently introduced in Piedmont With the LODICAM project, we intend to develop a diagnostic system for Erysiphe corylacearum, the causal agent of the new hazelnut powdery mildew disease in Piedmont. Both a rapid and economical molecular diagnosis ...
Mining ectomycorrhizal genomes and transcriptomes: from pan-genome to adaptive evolution in a climate change scenario
The purpose of the project related to Proposal 507866 – CSP New Investigator Proposal (2021 Q3 NI) of DOE Joint Genome Institute is the whole genome re-sequencing of 36 different isolates and fruit bodies belonging to four widespread ectomycorrhizal fungal species, i.e., Tuber borchii, Suillus collinitus, Pisolithus tinctorius, and Scleroderma ...
New eco-friendly pest management strategies in viticulture (VITE 4.0)
Vineyard pest management involves a considerable cost, both from an economic and environmental point of view. The European Commission has already decided to cut down on many pesticides, including copper-based fungicides and neonicotinoid insecticides. There is therefore a need to identify new pesticides or to improve the already available ones ...
OPTIMal USage of natural product and biological PRIMing agents to improve rEsilience of agrosystems to climate change (OPTIMUS PRIME)
OPTIMUS PRIME pursues the use of bioresources (including natural compounds and soil microorganisms) as seed priming treatments to improve resilience of widespread commercial varieties and local adapted landraces of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. Mill) to the combination of water deficit, high temperatures and the incidence of two important tomato pests. ...
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