Catalano Francesco
Alessandria Research Unit, TechnicianTECHNICIAN francesco.catalano(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae
Guerrieri Emilio
Alessandria Research Unit, Research DirectorRESEARCH DIRECTOR emilio.guerrieri(AT) 06.4993.27815 publications: Orcid personnel details and activity: People Curriculum Vitae The main topic of research is the sustainable control of insect pests of agricultural and forestry plants. The subject of this activity are the insect parasitoids, used in biological control programmes against pests. The main field of investigation include: a: volatile organic compounds regulating the interactions among plant-insect pest -insect parasitoid: insect parasitoids exploit plant volatile organic compounds to locate infested plants and then their victims. These interactions are studied mainly in tomato assessing the role of…