Atzori Giulia
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino UnitRESEARCHER giulia.atzori(AT) 055.522.5596 publications: ORCID personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae My research activity aims at studying the response of edible species to saline stress at the growth, physiological and at the biochemical level. The species under study are characterized by different degrees of salt tolerance, and most recently I focused on halophytic species that have naturally adapted to saline environments developing a series of mechanisms that allow a tolerance to saline concentrations up to 50% sea water. This research has a threefold objective: i) increasing food production…
Baccelli Ivan
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: ivan.baccelli(AT); tel. 055.522.5600
Barberini Sara
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: sara.barberini(AT); tel. 055.522.5532
Bartolini Paola
Research Technician, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: paola.bartolini(AT); tel. 055.522.5589
Bernacchi Alberto
Research Fellow, Sesto Fiorentino UnitRESEARCH FELLOW alberto.bernacchi(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I am a research fellow for the project “SpecFor”, where I study the relationship between holm oak decline and biotic stress. I have obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Molecular Biology at “Università degli Studi di Firenze”. During my training I studied the molecular evolution of the histidine operon in proteobacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli and Burkholderia cenocepacia) with experiments of directed evolution. I worked for the Biology Department of “Università degli Studi…
Berto Hari
Research Fellow, Sesto Fiorentino UnitRESEARCH FELLOW hari.berto(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I graduated in Forest Systems Science and Technology in 2023. I did a thesis in the field of phytopathology studying the fungus Biscogniauxia nummularia, the causal agent of carbonaceous canker of beech, carrying out field and laboratory investigations. I was able to collaborate with CNR-IPSP in the realization of the thesis with the opportunity to learn traditional and molecular diagnostic techniques, such as qPCR, starting from the isolation of the pathogen from asymptomatic woody tissues of beech…
Brilli Federico
Senior Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: federico.brilli(AT); tel. 055.522.5590
Brunetti Cecilia
Senior Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: cecilia.brunetti(AT); tel. 055.522.55XX
Centritto Mauro
Director, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: mauro.centritto(AT), tel. 055.522.5589
Cicchi Costanza
Research Fellow, Sesto Fiorentino UnitRESEARCH FELLOW costanza.cicchi(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Biochemical characterization of callus (both in vegetative and differentiation stage), seedlings and meristems of adult rice plants following exposure to exogenous biogenic volatile organic compounds.
Conti Niccolò
Research Fellow, Sesto Fiorentino UnitRESEARCH FELLOW niccolo.conti(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I obtained an M.S.c diploma in Biotechnology for Environmental Management and Sustainable Agriculture in 2020. During the master thesis on molecular plant physiology, I contributed to the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the response to low (hypoxic) oxygen conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Subsequently, I performed research activities at the Crop Science Research Centre (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies), where I analysed the contribution of the fungal endophyte Serendipita indica to tomato drought tolerance. In particular,…
D’Esposito Daniela
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino UnitRESEARCHER daniela.desposito(AT) publications: Orcid Curriculum Vitae
Daccache Andre
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: andre.daccache(AT); tel. 055.522.55XX
Danti Roberto
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: roberto.danti(AT); tel. 055.522.5583
De Quattro Concetta
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino UnitRESEARCHER publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae
Delfini Armando
Administrative Operator, Sesto Fiorentino UnitADMINISTRATIVE OPERATOR armando.delfini(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae
Della Rocca Gianni
Senior Technologist, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: gianni.dellarocca(AT); tel. 055.522.5663
Emiliani Giovanni
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino Unitemail: giovanni.emiliani(AT)
Fabbri André Pierre Marie
Researcher, Sesto Fiorentino UnitRESEARCHER andre.fabbri(AT) 055.522.5527 publications: Orcid profilo personale e attività: People Curriculum Vitae
Ferrini Francesco
Associate, Sesto Fiorentino UnitASSOCIATE francesco.ferrini(AT) 055.457.4033 publications: ORCID personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Since 1998, the applicant’s research and experimentation activity has been concentrated in the nursery and urban green sectors. Initially, research was conducted aimed at developing systems to identify physiological stress on tree plants, to better understand the dynamics of their health. Subsequently, various nursery breeding techniques were evaluated for ornamental species, both shrubs and trees, in order to optimize cultivation practices to improve plant vitality. A significant area of research has been the investigation of the biochemical…