Vineyard pest management involves a considerable cost, both from an economic and environmental point of view. The European Commission has already decided to cut down on many pesticides, including copper-based fungicides and neonicotinoid insecticides. There is therefore a need to identify new pesticides or to improve the already available ones leading to a still profitable, but more environmentally friendly viticulture. The present project, through integrated agronomic, metabolic, technological, genetic and molecular approaches, intends to evaluate the effectiveness of innovative solutions to be included in integrated pest management strategies, with the aim of reducing the environmental impact. The following will be developed and/or tested: methods for early diagnosis of some grapevine diseases; environmental sensors to predict the risk of fungal infections or appearance of harmful insects; traditional and innovative crop protection pesticides and symbiotic microorganisms against some of the main pests and diseases affecting grapevine; environmental impact analysis on pollinating insects.
Project Leader: Giorgio Gambino
IPSP personnel: Chiara Pagliarani, Irene Perrone, Paolo Boccacci, Ivana Gribaudo, Amedeo Moine, Walter Chitarra, Luca Nerva.
Start: 19/02/2019
End: 31/12/2022