Impronte molecolari e meccanismi fisiologici alla base dell’adattamento della vite a stress ambientali estremi (GRAPEFIT)

The GRAPEFIT project was conceived to deepen the physiological and molecular mechanisms at the basis of grapevine adaptability to drought events either occurring over a restricted time span or long-lasting. The main objectives of the scheduled research activities will be: 1) to demonstrate whether vines in vitro regenerated through somatic embryogenesis (named somaclones) are more prompt than the mother plants to face sudden severe water stress and/or display better physiological performances following stress relief (recovery); 2) to elucidate the molecular bases underpinning the grapevine physiological adaptation to recurrent and long-lasting water stress, in order to uncover epigenetic marks potentially associated with stress memory phenomena that could prime defense responses to climate alterations.
The expected results are: 1) production of grapevine somaclones with increased tolerance to severe drought stress; 2) selection of grapevine genotypes showing improved adaptation capacity to prolonged water stress conditions.


Project Leader: Chiara Pagliarani
IPSP personnel: Irene Perrone, Giorgio Gambino, Paolo Boccacci, Walter Chitarra, Luca Nerva.
Start: 03/10/2019
End: 05/01/2023