Abbà Simona
Researcher, Turin Headquarteremail: simona.abba(AT); tel. 011.397.7925
Accotto Gian Paolo
Associate, Turin Headquarteremail: gianpaolo.accotto(AT); tel. 011.397.7916
Aranzulla Giuliana
Scholarship Holder, Turin HeadquarterSCHOLARSHIP HOLDER publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae In the NUTRAGE project, the research period will focus on evaluating the impact that both biotic and abiotic stresses have on the production of secondary metabolites in horticultural plants through the use of innovative techniques, such as optical sensors and Raman spectroscopy, to monitor the health status and/or biofortification. Furthermore, for the control of pathogens and parasites, innovative technologies will be used for application of biocompounds, such as dsRNA and nucleic acids.
Balestrini Raffaella Maria
Research Director, Turin Headquarteremail: balestrini.raffaella(AT); tel. 011.650.2927
Bergese Francesco
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW francesco.bergese(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I graduated in Environmental Monitoring, Protection and Restoration at the University of Turin in 2023. I did research on the topic of boreal peatland management at the Swedish Agricultural University in Uppsala, focusing on greenhouse gas emissions and their management under different uses. I participated in a project related to the identification of suitable areas for the application of gypsum for nutrient release reduction in the Baltic Sea and researched methods for determining the stability of soil…
Bertacca Sofia
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW sofia.bertacca(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I obtained a master’s degree in Scienze delle Produzioni e delle Tecnologie Agrarie (LM-69) at University of Palermo, presenting an experimental thesis focused on the seed transmission of tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) and the evaluation of different disinfection methods on tomato seeds. In 2021, I embarked on a doctoral research program in “Biodiversity in Agriculture and Forestry” at the same university, with research project centred on the ecology of viral agents affecting olive trees in…
Boccacci Paolo
Researcher, Turin Headquarteremail: paolo.boccacci(AT); tel. 011.397.7927
Bodino Nicola
Associate, Turin HeadquarterASSOCIATE 011.397.7296 publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Master’s Degree in Biology (LM-6) at the University of Turin, with an experimental thesis on the population dynamics of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and predatory hemiptera (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) on strawberry and pepper in Piedmont. I obtained a PhD in Agricultural, Forestry and Agri-food Sciences at the University of Turin, discussing the thesis: “Native parasitoids on exotic pests: performances, adaptation processes and possible use in biological control programs”. The object of the research consisted in the study of the…
Bordone Luca
Research Technician, Turin Headquarteremail: luca.bordone(AT); tel. 011.397.7940-7935
Bosco Domenico
Associate, Turin HeadquarterASSOCIATE publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae
Brescia Francesca
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I am a Post-Doctoral Researcher since February 2022 at IPSP of Turin. MSc in Experimental and Applied Biology in 2015 at University of Pavia and PhD in Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology in 2020 at University of Udine, in collaboration with Fondazione Edmund Mach of San Michele all’Adige (TN) and with the Technical University of Vienna (Austria). During my PhD I studied the impact of the microbial community of the plant on the inhibitory activity of a biocontrol…
Bucci Luca
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW luca.bucci(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae My studies began with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, and then continued with a master’s degree in plant biotechnology. Thanks to my experience on my thesis work completed at the IPSP CNR (Turin branch) I have expanded my knowledge in the field of biotechnology applied to arthropods. Subsequently, after obtaining my master’s degree, I worked as a DISAFA (University of Turin) scholarship holder in the entomology sector, on a project called “Molecular investigations on…
Calvo Alice
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW alice.calvo(AT) Publications: Personal details and research activity: Curriculum Vitae I am a research fellow from June 2022. I achieved a Master degree at University of Turin in Plant Biotechnologies the 26/09/2021. During my thesis I studied microbial communities associated to the white truffle Tuber magnatum, to distinguish truffle’s tissues (gleba and peridium), truffle productive soils and truffle unproductive soils. The final objective was the distinction of truffle belonging to different area based on different bacterial communities associated to gleba. The thesis was based on bioinformatic analysis with Miniconda…
Canuto Francesca
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW francesca.canuto(AT) 011.397.7929 publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I graduated from the University of Turin in Natural Sciences and Plant Biotechnology. During my Master I worked on the gene regulation of the immune response of honey bees following viral infections and attacks by the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and then on the diagnostics of plant pathogens transmitted by vector insects, such as Xylella fastidiosa and the phytoplasma associated with Flavescence Dorée disease. During my PhD at the University of Bordeaux (France), I worked on…
Caruso Carla
Associate, Turin HeadquarterASSOCIATE publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae The research activities have focused on the isolation and structural and functional characterization of Pathogenesis-Related (PR) genes and proteins using different plant species. Molecular modeling and site-specific mutagenesis techniques have been used to study the structure-function correlation, particularly demonstrating that the ribonuclease activity of wheat PR4 proteins is associated with their antifungal activity. Additionally, the effects of fungal infection, wounding, or the exogenous application of phytohormones on the induction of PR genes and proteins in different plant systems…
Cerro Daniela
Research Technician, Turin Headquarteremail: daniela.cerro(AT); tel. 011.397.7911
Chitarra Walter
Associate, Turin HeadquarterASSOCIATE walter.chitarra(AT) 0438.456.715 publications: ORCID personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae The research activity is mainly focused on: Genotype-environment interactions. The whole genome sequencing of three ‘Nebbiolo’ clones is the starting point for the study of the interactions between genotype and climatic conditions of cultivation, that define the wine terroir. The research is carried out using agronomic, transcriptomics (RNA-seq) and epigenomics (BS-seq) approaches, in order to link gene expression profiles between three clones and four different cultural environments. In parallel, the interaction between genotype and environment is also…
Cicerone Alessandro
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW alessandro.cicerone(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I graduated in Environmental Biology at the University of Turin in 2024. I conducted research regarding the interaction between quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) plants and mitoviruses (CqMV1) under water stress conditions through molecular approaches (Real Time PCR, capillary electrophoresis). The analyses included assessment of gene expression, anion content in quinoa leaves, and C and N isotope ratio. Since June 2024 I am a Research Fellow at IPSP-CNR and I collaborate on the research project MICOTI.
Ciuffo Marina
Researcher, Turin Headquarteremail: marina.ciuffo(AT); tel. 011.397.7923
Cucu Maria Alexandra
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW alexandra.cucu(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Starting with the PhD thesis in soil science and continuing as Post Doc Research assistant, Dr. Cucu’s research interest mainly developed around Nitrogen (N) cycle and the interaction with Carbon (C) cycle in terrestrial ecosystems and soil organic matter turnover, with special attention on biochemical processes mediated by soil microbial communities, trough the usage of stable isotopes methodologies, in combination with organic matter fractionation techniques and molecular analyses. The research area has brought together microbial with soil…