2018-A-289 Plant Health Bioinformatic Network (PHBN)
In the last decade, High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS), also referred to as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), has revolutionized biology and medicine. The technology allows DNA and RNA sequencing data to be generated in huge amounts at a very low cost, enabling the parallel processing of many samples. The resulting large amounts ...
Biocontrol of Xylella and its vector in olive trees for integrated pest management (BIOVEXO)
The BIOVEXO Project explores innovative biopesticides, which target the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. Six candidate biocontrol solutions (bacterial strains, microbial metabolites, plant extracts, entomopathogenic fungus) acting either against X. fastidiosa or its vector will be tested within the BIOVEXO Project. These biopesticides will be evaluated for use in curative and preventive approaches of X. fastidiosa to ...
EFSA-HRP-1 SPECIFIC AGREEMENT No 1– Lot 1 for taxa traded mostly as plants for planting in fruit or vegetable production (IPSPxHRP)
In the frame of this project, IPSP collaborates with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to the activities regarding the preparation of commodity risk assessment. Project Leader: Francesco Di Serio IPSP personnel: Umberto Bernardo, Giovanni Bubici, Nicola Centorame, Michela Chiumenti, Cristina Marzachì, Concetta Mottura, Elena Fanelli. Start: 01/06/2020 End: ...
Microbial uptakes for sustainable management of major banana pests and diseases (MUSA)
The MUSA project (UE Call H2020-SFS-2016-2017, Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains, topic SFS-11-2016) aims at achieving a sustainable intensification of banana and ensete cultivation in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Canary Islands and the Caribbean, through the identification, development and implementation of IPM methods based on beneficial microorganisms. ...
Monitoraggio e gestione sostenibile di nematodi fitoparassiti su vite e mais (NemaGest – MBLab)
In the last decades, climate change contributes to further increase the economic damages caused by nematodes, both due to spreading of very harmful species such as root-knot nematodes (since mostly tropical species and well adapted to warmer environments), and the arrival of alien species not previously recorded in the area. ...
Olive Biodiversity for Saving Salento from Xylella (BIOSAVEX)
The Project will evaluate the response to natural infections of olive tree cultivars and clones of the cv Leccino to Xylella fastidiosa, for which there are field and molecular evidence indicating resistance to the bacterium. Transcriptomic and anatomo-physiology studies will be carried out in Leccino and in the susceptible cultivar ...
Plant Extracellular Vesicles Farming (FarmEVs)
FarmEVs project aims to take on the challenge of establishing plant extracellular vesicles farming systems within the One Health approach. FarmEVs will focus on the agriculture’s sustainability and seek innovative eco-friendly solutions. We will develop green solutions for the isolation of plant –derived nanovesicles from organically grown plants. We will ...
Preventing HLB epidemics for ensuring citrus survival in Europe (PRE-HLB)
Pre-HLB is an EU H2020 project aimed to develop a contingency plan to protect the citriculture in the EU from huanglongbing (HLB, also known as “greening”) disease. Through a multidisciplinary approach and in collaboration with experienced partners from America and Asia, Pre-HLB aims to find innovative measures to prevent the ...
PROTECTION project aims: creation of innovative products, services and technologies to be applied in agriculture to promote the use of biological control and sustainable defense strategies. General objectives: Selection and application of novel natural bioformulates (i.e. based on microorganisms, or plants extracts) to improve crops production. The implementation of appropriate ...
The Specific Agreement establish that IPSP develops, in collaboration with EFSA, draft pest categorisations for the following viruses: 1. Apium virus Y 2. Capsicum chlorosis orthotospovirus 3. Carrot thin leaf virus 4. Chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus 5. Cowpea mosaic virus 6. High Plains wheat mosaic virus 7. Pea necrotic yellow ...
Towards an instrument-free future of molecular diagnostics at the point-of-care H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020
Point-Of-Care (POC) testing needs to decrease time between sample collection and results, for a faster containment treatment and reduced costs. End-users of a POC test are healthcare personnel in hospital and, in agriculture, nurserymen and phytosanitary inspectors at the field The aim is to use isothermal enzymatic amplification of nucleic ...
Trasferimento di protocolli per organismi da quarantena e nocivi e per la selezione di materiali sanitariamente migliorati per il vivaismo pugliese(PRODIQUAVI)
The project aims to highlight agri-food productions through the protection of the territory from the introduction and spread of pathogens of economic and quarantine importance To achieve this goal, 4 activities (work packages) are planned: WP1-Coordination: aimed to implement effective administrative and financial management in achieving the expected objectives. WP2-Monitoring: ...
Virus-free fruit nurseries (Vir-Free)
VirFree joins the expertise of academia and private companies to: (i) identify new viral and viroid strains or species affecting fruit trees and grapevine; (ii) optimise existing and develop novel virus detection methods; (iii) improve propagation and sanitation methods for producing high quality plants for planting of fruit trees and ...