D’Errico Chiara
Researcher, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCHER chiara.derrico(AT)ipsp.cnr.it 011.397.7913 publications: ORCID personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I am a Researcher at Istituto Nazionale di Ottica – CNR-INO (Firenze) since 2012, temporarily assigned (December 2019 – December 2021) at Istituto Per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante – CNR-IPSP (Torino). In 2005 I graduated in Physics at University of Florence and in 2009 I obtained the PhD in Physics at University of Florence. I am an experimentalist with an assessed expertise on quantum simulation with ultracold atoms. My research activities include experiments with Fermi-Bose and…
Daghino Stefania
Researcher, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCHER stefania.daghino(AT)ipsp.cnr.it 011.397.7923 publications: ORCID personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I’m a researcher of the IPSP since July 2020. My research is mainly focused on the identification and molecular characterization of mycoviruses, especially those associated with fungal plant-symbionts (e.g. ericoid mycorrhizal fungi), with the aim at investigating the effects of mycoviruses on the biology of their fungal host and on its interaction with the host plant. In addition, I’m interested in the virus-vector interaction mechanisms, in particular in the RNAi-mediated anti-viral response for the TSWV-thrips system. I’m…
De Rose Silvia
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW silvia.derose(AT)ipsp.cnr.it publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae After graduating in Plant Biotechnology, I got a PhD in Biological Sciences and Applied Biotechnology at the University of Turin. My research project is focused on the study of the interaction between plants and soil microorganisms, with particular reference to the role played by mycorrhizal fungi of the genus Tulasnella in the interaction with plants belonging to the Orchidaceae family. In detail, I have worked on the molecular mechanisms and nutrient exchanges involved in the fungus-plant interaction,…
Del Boccio Pierpaolo
Scholarship Holder, Turin HeadquarterSCHOLARSHIP HOLDER publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae In my previous activities, I focused on evaluating the physiological responses of Arabidopsis thaliana plants subjected to abiotic stress, aiming to understand the role of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) and Ca2+ (calcium ion) waves in long-distance stress signaling.
Delliri Andrea
Administrative Assistant, Turin Headquarteremail: andrea.delliri(AT)ipsp.cnr.it; tel. 011.397.7913
Faccio Antonella
Research Technician, Turin Headquarteremail: antonella.faccio(AT)ipsp.cnr.it; tel. 011.650.2927
Fiaschi Maria Fanny Danila
Administrative Assistant, Turin Headquarteremail: danila.fiaschi(AT)ipsp.cnr.it; tel. 011.397.7943
Forgia Marco
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW marco.forgia(AT)ipsp.cnr.it 011.397.7923 publications: ORCID personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae My research activity is mostly focused on the identification and characterization of mycoviruses through bioinformatic and molecular approaches. The characterization of the viruses discovered is firstly based on the taxonomic and evolutionary aspects and then on the possible impact of the mycovirus on the fungal host’s metabolism. Over the years I also contributed to the characterization of plant viruses infecting C. quinoa and tomato.
Frascati Fulco
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW fulco.frascati@ipsp.cnr.it publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Graduated in Cellular and Molecular Biology (LM-6) at the University of Tuscia, he carried out an Experimental Thesis lasting one year at the plant biochemistry and molecular biology laboratory, thesis written in English concerning the adaptation of the Antarctic plant Colobanthus quitensis to extreme environmental conditions entitled: “Environmental conditions act as a trigger for the metabolic reprogramming of the antartic plant C.quitensis“.
Galetto Luciana
Researcher, Turin Headquarteremail: luciana.galetto(AT)ipsp.cnr.it; tel. 011.397.7926
Gambino Giorgio
Senior Researcher, Turin Headquarteremail: giorgio.gambino(AT)ipsp.cnr.it; tel. 011.397.7927
Giannetti Giulia
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW giulia.giannetti(AT)ipsp.cnr.it 011.397.7927 publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Master’s degree in ‘Biology for molecular, cellular and pathophysiological research’ at the University of Roma Tre. During my experimental activity of thesis, carried out in the plant biotechnology laboratory, I characterized tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) mutant plants for one of the tomato polyamine oxidases genes (SlPAO3) obtained using the CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing technology. Specifically, these loss-of-function mutants (slpao3) were subjected to phenotypic, molecular, anatomical, morphological and physiological analyses with the aim of investigating whether genetic manipulation of…
Gribaudo Ivana
Associate, Turin Headquarteremail: ivana.gribaudo(AT)ipsp.cnr.it; tel. 011.670.8746
Incletoli Pamela
Research Fellow, Turin Headquarteremail: pamela.incletoli(AT)ipsp.cnr.it
Lucetti Giulia
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW giulia.lucetti(AT)ipsp.cnr.it publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae In the present project, RNAi will be explored for the control of the Japanese beetle Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), an alien quarantine species highly polyphagous that cause severe damages to crops. The management of P. japonica in Italy is under the official control of the National Plant Protection Services and mainly based on applications of chemical insecticides. Therefore, innovative and sustainable alternative strategies are urgently needed. The use of microalgae and cyanobacteria for production and delivery of…
Marian Daniele
Research Technician, Turin Headquarteremail: daniele.marian(AT)ipsp.cnr.it; tel. 011.397.7917
Marra Monica
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW monica.marra(AT)ipsp.cnr.it 011.397.7917 publications: Orcid Curriculum Vitae In my previous activities I investigated biological and molecular aspects of Xylella fastidiosa, grapevine pinot gris virus (GPGV) and their vectors. My current activities in IPSP-Torino are in the framework of two projects: “SURF” project: I am involved in the identification of cultivars of durum wheat resistant or tolerant to soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV), which induces an emerging disease in Northern Italy; “PROTECTION” project: my activity is about the design, development and application of new rapid diagnostic systems to detect viral…
Martino Marina Elena
Research Fellow, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCH FELLOW marina.martino(AT)ipsp.cnr.it publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I have a BSc in Land and Agro-forestry Science and a MSc in Plant Sciences with a specialization in Natural Resource Management. My master thesis focused on analyzing the role of beneficial insects (Coleoptera) as biocontrol agents in open field. As part of my Master’s programme, I joined the Farmvent team, a vertical farming startup that produces herbs in small-scale indoor farms, where I led experimental trials designed to enhance the production of basil and microgreens. My…
Marzachì Cristina
Senior Researcher, Turin Headquarteremail: cristina.marzachi(AT)ipsp.cnr.it; tel. 011.397.7926
Matic Slavica
Researcher, Turin HeadquarterRESEARCHER slavica.matic(AT)ipsp.cnr.it 011.397.7916 publications: Orcid personal details and activity: People Curriculum Vitae She graduated in Agricultural Sciences in 2001 from the Faculty of Agriculture of East Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Subsequently, she earned a DSPU in Integrated Pest Management of Mediterranean Fruit Tree Crops at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IAMB), International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) in 2003, an MSc degree in IPM at IAMB-CIHEAM in 2004 and a PhD degree in Crop Protection at the DISSPA, University of Bari in 2008. She completed three post-doctorates…