D’Errico Chiara

publications: ORCID
personal details and research activity: People
Curriculum Vitae

I am a Researcher at Istituto Nazionale di Ottica – CNR-INO (Firenze) since 2012, temporarily assigned (December 2019 – December 2021) at Istituto Per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante – CNR-IPSP (Torino).

In 2005 I graduated in Physics at University of Florence and in 2009 I obtained the PhD in Physics at University of Florence.
I am an experimentalist with an assessed expertise on quantum simulation with ultracold atoms. My research activities include experiments with Fermi-Bose and Bose-Bose mixtures, atom-ion collisions, tuning of interactions with Feshbach resonances, Feshbach spectroscopy, atom interferometry, dipolar interaction, optical lattices, low dimensional systems, disorder physics, quantum transport and quantum droplets.

In December 2019 I joined the research of CNR-IPSP and I extended my research interests to the investigation of biological systems.
I am involved in the project VIRADEP (Resp. Emanuela Noris), which aims to develop a new technique combining Raman Spectroscopy with dielectrophoresis (Raman-DEP), to be applied to plant physiology and virology for the identification and classification of viruses.
I participate in the project FD_LAMPvett (Resp. Slavica Matic), for an early diagnosis of the grapevine flavescence dorée (FD) phytoplasma with a rapid molecular LAMP technique.