Pedata Paolo
Portici Unit, Researcheremail: paolo.pedata(AT); tel. 081.775.3658 int. 18
Petito Enza
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW enza.petito(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Graduated in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II with an experimental thesis carried out in Phytovirology entitled: “Viruses and viroids associated with symptoms of incompatibility of grafting in apple trees”. During my thesis work I acquired skills in the use of serological and molecular diagnostic methods in plant virology, of the main genomic banks for the extrapolation of information on the genome of a virus, of laboratory…
Pica Feliciana
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW feliciana.pica(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I studied and got my degree in Agricultural Science and Technology with a specialised curriculum in Plant Medicine at the University of Florence, I carried out an experimental thesis entitled ‘Development of Tenebrio molitor on cereal waste and lipid profile of larvae’. These studies enabled me to acquire fundamental knowledge on the recognition and integrated and biological management of organisms that are harmful to crops of agricultural interest. I also learned and developed breeding methods from a…
Pierro Sara
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW sara.pierro(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I received a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural, Forestry and Environmental Sciences and a Master’s degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies at the University of Naples Federico II. During my experimental thesis work, I worked on the development of microbial biostimulants for plant growth promotion gaining significant laboratory experience. The research activity I am going to do will be part of the research project “URCoFi 2023-2025: Unit for the coordination and enhancement of activities of surveillance, research, experimentation,…
Ruocco Michelina
Portici Unit, Research Directoremail: michelina.ruocco(AT); tel. 081.775.3658 int. 16
Russo Assunta
PhD student, Portici UnitPHD STUDENT assunta.russo(AT) publications: – personal details and activity: – Curriculum Vitae In 2019, I achieved my master’s degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Rome ”Campus Bio-medico”. This academic career allowed me to carry out, from 2018 to 2019, an Internship for Master thesis degree (Title: ”New approaches for the selective transcriptome sequencing and analysis in the Botrytis cinerea-grapevine pathosystem” at the Research Institute, Edmund Mach Foundation, San Michele all’Adige (TN). I worked in the Genomics and Biology of Fruits Crop Department where I developed…
Sacco Adriana
Portici Unit, ResearcherRESEARCHER adriana.sacco(AT) 06.4932.7828 publications: ORCID personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae For many years the focus of my research have been the improvement of Solanaceae fruit quality thought the use of multiple ‘omics’ approaches such as microarray, QTL, introgression line, DNA seq, RNA seq, GBS and so on. More recently the field of interest has expanded to the study of Beneficial microorganisms (BCA) and their interaction with plants in order to identify genes and metabolites underlying the mechanisms of growth promotion and induced resistance.
Salvatore Maria Michela
Portici Unit, Scholarship HolderSCHOLARSHIP HOLDER mariamichela.salvatore(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Maria Michela Salvatore obtained with honours the degree in biology at the University of Naples “Federico II” with the thesis “Analisi voltammetrica delle vitamine”. She has carried out research on the identification and quantification of bioactive substances in water, food and pharmaceutical preparations, specializing in Hygiene and food technologies in 2016. She received her PhD in Chemical sciences at University of Naples “Federico II” in 2020 with the thesis “Study of secondary metabolites produced by fungi from…
Santopietro Roberta
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW roberta.santopietro(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Investigating the influence of stress factors (nutrition, land use, temperature, humidity, pathologies) on honey bee immunity, gut microbiota and physiology, with molecular approach, in field and laboratory assays.
Serrapica Rossella
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW rossella.serrapica(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I am a food technologist with many years of experience in quality control and food safety. In parallel I dedicated myself to research activities through collaborations with the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II, in particular during my involvement in the training grant “Sequencing of the buffalo genome for the qualitative-quantitative improvement of agri-food production GENOBU, I carried out a training internship at the microbiology laboratory of the ISPAAM CNR in Portici. In…
Sorrentino Giuseppe
Portici Unit, ResearcherRESEARCHER giuseppe.sorrentino(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae
Testa Antonino
Associate, Portici UnitASSOCIATE publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae 1999-2002 post-Doctoral researcher at Department of Plant Pathology “The Ohio State University”, USA. 2003-2007 Research and Teaching position at the Institute of Biochemical Biotechnology, Polytechnic University of Marches based on the Project “Incentive for the return of scientists from abroad to Italy – Return of the Brains”, Italian Ministry of University and of Scientific and Technological Research. 2007-2022 Faculty, permanent position, at School of Biotechnological Sciences, University of Naples Federico II. In May 2022, associate professor in plant pathology.…
Vitiello Gennaro
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW gennaro.vitiello(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Development of a work plan for the monitoring of invasive insect species. Selection of traps and attractants. Characterisation Morpho-bio-molecular characterisation of captured insects, from collection to obtaining sequences. Support to regional technicians in the identification and study of new invasive species, particularly at BCPs. Study of the population dynamics of invasive insects, with assessment of damage, spread and if possible with a reconstruction of the place of origin. Construction of phytophagous flight curves and statistical comparison of…