publications: Orcid
personal details and activity: People
Curriculum Vitae
During my working career I have been interested in various practical and theoretical aspects of biological control of crop pests In particular I have been involved in ecological studies, with particular regard to the population dynamics of pest insects and their antagonists, as well as competition between the latter. I also dealt with the morpho-biological and systematic characterization of natural antagonists, in particular parasitoid hymenoptera in the family of Aphelinidae, also in order to carry out a phylogenetic reconstruction of the group. I have also dealt with the study of the embryonic development strategies of the parasitoids of the genus Encarsia
I was also involved in monitoring and studying invasive and quarantine species.
More recently I have been involved in the study of the mechanisms of resistance to polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, in particular PCP, in Drosophila melanogaster and its microbiota, to identify genes and metabolic processes involved in the degradation of this xenobiotic, also in order to identify new strategies for recovery. of contaminated soils.
Relative to the chestnut ecosystem, I am dealing with the alternative management of crop residues for the production of a quality compost.
Project Leader for: Compostaggio in situ per la tutela, la valorizzazione e la gestione Ecosostenibile dei Castagneti (PSR – CompoEcoCast)