publications: Orcid
personal details and activity: People
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Michelina Ruocco had her Academic and post-doc studies at Università degli studi di Napoli “Federico II”. She has been a researcher since December 28, 2001 at the CNR – Institute for the Sustainable Protection of Plants. Her research activity is based on the study of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the interactions between plants, pathogens and beneficial microorganisms. Her scientific activity is focused on field of biological control of plant diseases, the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis and biocontrol and the molecular characterization of important pathogenic and antagonistic fungi. In the last decade, research activity has been focused on studying the interactions between beneficial microorganisms, pathogens and plants, in order to broaden the knowledge on the mechanisms underlying bio-control activities for the development of new biotechnologies. The scientific approaches are among the most innovative and make use of the use of cutting-edge methodologies, techniques and technologies. The main purpose of the work carried out is to obtain, through the study of the basic mechanisms that regulate pathogenetic processes and microbial interactions, applications that are useful in agricultural practice and for the integrated control of plant diseases. To this end, all research is based on both in vitro and in vivo applications. Thanks to the skills acquired, numerous collaborations have been established with various groups belonging to national and international institutions, as can be seen from the numerous collaborative publications.
Project Leader for: TEcniche di geSTIone e MOnitoraggio dei Noccioleti per l’Ecosostenibilità della pratica agronomica (TESTIMONE), Sviluppo di nuove tecnologie nell’agricoltura di precisione per la produzione sostenibile di genotipi di patata con elevate qualità nutrizionali (SOS-TATA), Plant multitROphic interactions for bioinspired Strategies of PEst ConTrol (PROSPECT), Miglioramento della competitività delle aziende castanicole mediante applicazione di tecniche innovative di gestione del prodotto in pre-post raccolta (Migliorcast)