Gebiola Marco
Associate, Portici UnitASSOCIATE marco.gebiola(AT) 081.253.9248 publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae My research focuses on a broad range of topics, from systematics, taxonomy and evolutionary biology of insects (mostly parasitic wasps) and bacterial symbionts to biological control and vector biology. I have published systematic, taxonomic and karyological revisions of important groups of parasitoid wasps often used as biocontrol agents, on disentangling the roles of symbionts in manipulating the reproduction of their insect hosts, reproductive isolation between closely related species, on the phylogeography of parasitoids associated to invasive species,…
Giorgini Massimo
Portici Unit, Researcheremail: massimo.giorgini(AT); tel. 081.775.3658 int. 17
Goglia Lorenzo
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW lorenzo.goglia(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae During my academic journey, I specialized in the morphological identification of Heterocera Lepidoptera, with a particular focus on the Tortricidae family. This specialization was reinforced through active participation in entomological expeditions conducted in various countries, including central and southern Italy, central-eastern Greece, Spain, and Ethiopia. Additionally, I contributed to the development of innovative techniques for managing Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis and Schiffermüller, 1775), an important forest parasite. In Greece, I also had the opportunity to participate in the…
Gualtieri Liberata
Portici Unit, ResearcherRESEARCHER liberata.gualtieriAT) 06.4993.27812 publications: ORCID personal details and research activity: Curriculum Vitae Degree in FOOD AND TECNOLOGY SCIENCE at the Department of Food Science Agricultural Faculty of University of Naples “Federico II”. Thesis Title: “The sarcoplasmic fraction of buffalo meat: structural characterization and proteomic analysis during maturation process by mass spectrometry and PhD in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF AGROFOOD PRODUCTIONS -24 ° cycle at UNIVERSITY OF NAPLES FEDERICO II, entitled “A proteomic approach for the characterization of typical meat products: definition of molecular markers of industrial and artisanal Naples-type salami”.…
Guastaferro Valentino Maria
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW valentino.guastaferro(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae During my master’s degree I focused on the study of the beneficial interaction between Trichoderma – Brachypodium Distachyon through a molecular approach. In particular, the epigeal and hypogeal portions, taken separately from the plant, were used for the purpose of extracting RNA and sequencing it. The analysis of RNA-Seq data led to the identification of genes up- and down-regulated during the interaction of the plant with two different strains of Trichoderma. This work aims to identify genes…
Iodice Luigi
Portici Unit, Researcheremail: luigi.iodice(AT); tel. 081.775.3658
Magaldi Ettore
Portici Unit, Technologistemail: ettore.magaldi(AT); tel. 081.775.3658 int. 15
Mele Francesca
Portici Unit, Scholarship HolderSCHOLARSHIP HOLDER francesca.mele(AT) 06.4993.27830 publications: – personal details and activity: – Curriculum Vitae Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences, thesis title: “Effect of vitality on the accumulation of PAHs in lichen and moss transplants “at the plant biology laboratory of the University of Naples Federico II, (grade 110 and honours). Post graduate trainee at Department of Biology within the European “Garanzia Giovani” program. Skills in the field of botany (e.g., moss bags technique), molecular biology (e.g., extraction of plant DNA, amplification of DNA by PCR, enzymatic assays (SOD and FRAP), extraction…
Melone Gianluca
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW gianluca.melone(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Graduated in Agricultural Science and Technology from the University of Naples Federico II. During 2023 and until February 2024, I had a research grant within the URCoFI Project “Regional Unit for the Coordination and Enhancement of Surveillance, Research, Experimentation, Monitoring and Training Activities in the Phytosanitary Field” funded by the Campania Region, focusing the activity on monitoring of phytophagous pests of feared introduction (Anthonomus eugenii, Anthonomus signatus, Spodoptera frugiperda, Trioza erytreae, Diaphorina citri, Toxoptera citricidus, Aleurocanthus woglumi,…
Mennella Gaetano
Portici Unit, TechnicianTECHNICIAN gaetano.mennella(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae
Miele Fortuna
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW fortuna.miele(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Graduated in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, with a thesis in Agronomy and Plant Pathology entitled: “The productions and the defence of thistle from biomass.” Currently, I’m a research assistant, under the scientific responsibility of Dr. Francesco Nugnes. Since 2019, I’m involved in the URCoFi project (“Regional Unit of Coordination and Strengthening of Surveillance, Research, testing, monitoring and Training in the Phytosanitary Field” funded by the Campania Region) to study the spreading of allochthonous and allochthonous species (quarantine…
Migliaccio Francesco
Portici Unit, Scholarship HolderSCHOLARSHIP HOLDER publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Graduated in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II with an experimental thesis carried out in zootechnics entitled “use of polyphytic hay and grass hay in the ration of lactating cows and effects on milk production and on the quality of the cheese”. During my thesis work I acquired skills in the use of serological and molecular diagnostic methods to analyze the main agronomic cultures for correct animal nutrition.…
Mignano Anna
Portici Unit, Scholarship HolderSCHOLARSHIP HOLDER publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Graduated in Biological Sciences specializing in Molecular Diagnostics at the University of Naples Federico II. Through the Erasmus Traineeship project, I did an internship at the University of Seville in the Department of Physiology, where I learned the techniques of cytology dealing with hematoxylin and eosin staining. I am currently the winner of the scholarship within the URCoFi project at the IPSP CNR, under the supervision of Dr. Giuseppe Parrella, which will provide for the monitoring and diagnosis…
Monti Maurilia
Portici Unit, Researcheremail: maurilia.monti(AT); tel. 081.775.3658 int. 10
Napolitano Angelo
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae The research activity related to the TESTIMONE project, focuses on the application of an environmentally sustainable experimental protocol for hazelnut cultivation through environmental and agronomic monitoring. The aim of the TESTIMONE research project is to create a synergy between anthropogenic action with the natural balance of the agroecosystem, optimizing the use of productive inputs and maximizing environmental and economic sustainability through the application of an experimental protocol that also involves the use of microorganisms, defined as “useful”.
Nugnes Francesco
Portici Unit, Researcheremail: francesco.nugnes(AT); tel. 081.253.9248
Nunziata Immacolata
Portici Unit, TechnicianTECHNICIAN immacolata.nunziata(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae
Pace Roberta
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW roberta.pace(AT) 06.4993.27829 publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Graduated with honours in Forestry and Environmental Sciences at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II with an master thesis in Nature Conservation on the dispersal strategy of the seeds of Primula palinuri Petagna. Since 2019 I participated in several research topics that relate to the “Urcofi Project” (Regional Unit of Coordination and strengthening of the activities of surveillance, research, experimentation, monitoring and training in Phytosanitary field). The main lines of research…
Palmieri Angelo
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW angelo.palmieri(AT) publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae The research activities that I have carried out are mainly based on the interception and monitoring of allochthonous harmful pests found in the national territory (Bactrocera dorsalis, Aromia bungii, Megaplatypus mutatus, etc.). These activities involved the use of different arthropod sampling methods (trapping, visual observation of symptoms, sweeping, etc.), and morpho-bio-molecular characterization of the catched specimens. I also collaborate with the phytosanitary service in the containment and eradication activities of the cerambycide A. bungii and with inspections…
Parisi Stefano
Portici Unit, Research FellowRESEARCH FELLOW publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I received my Master’s degree in Science and Technology of Animal Production from the University of Naples Federico II performing an experimental thesis in Plant Pathology entitled “Effects of Trichoderma spp. and harzianic acid on plants of livestock interest”. I was awarded a fellowship at the IPSP in Portici as part of the Compecoast project – eco-sustainable composting in Italian chestnut groves. In this research fellowship I focused my activity in the identification at the molecular and…