Di Vita Noemi

SCHOLARSHIP HOLDER publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae My university studies begin at the university of Ferrara with a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology and later I got a master’s degree in industrial biotechnology at the university of Padova. During the master’s thesis period into DAFNAE department – agricultural microbiology sector -, I followed a research project concerning valorisation of biomass deriving from food waste, such as the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and the agricultural waste, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae for second generation bioethanol production.

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Milani Andrea

RESEARCH FELLOW andrea.milani@ipsp.cnr.it publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I deal with the diagnosis of herbicide resistance in different species of weeds. The diagnostic assays I use can be whole plant (single dose or dose-response), in greenhouse or field, or in vitro (enzymatic activity), or molecular (PCR, q-PCR, CAPS, dCAPS, LAMP). For about a year I have been investigating the use of RNAi as a bioherbicide.

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Trespidi Giacomo

RESEARCH FELLOW giacomo.trespidi@ipsp.cnr.it publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae

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Strati Elisa

RESEARCH FELLOW elisa.strati@ipsp.cnr.it publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae

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Nuovi sistemi di diagnosi veloce e tecniche a basso impatto ecotossicologico per contenere fenomeni di resistenza di patogeni, fitofagi e malerbe (RESISTI)

Action type: PSR Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020 – Operazione 16.1.01 Funds received: € 68.992,80 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development   The project aims to develop and validate innovative molecular diagnostic tools (LAMP = Loop-mediated isothermal amplification, ddPCR = Droplet Digital PCR) to early identify resistant weeds, insects and pathogens, considering the main harmful organisms of the crops of the Emilia Romagna region. More sustainable alternative management strategies will also be validated in order to reduce the use of chemical products and consequently lowering the risk of resistance onset. The innovative tools…

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