GIRE includes members from public research, University, agrochemical industry and advisors. In keeping with the mission of HRAC (Herbicide Resistance Action Committee) and the herbicide resistance Group of EWRS (European Weed Research Society), the mission is to facilitate the communication between the stakeholders. The activities include monitoring, profiling and prepare guide lines for herbicide resistance management, mainly through a dedicated website. Project Leader: Maurizio Settin IPSP personnel: Donato Loddo, Laura Scarabel, Silvia Panozzo. Start: 01/06/2008 End: 30/11/2022
Read MoreLegnaro Unit
Integrated Weed Management: PRActical Implementation and Solutions for Europe (IWMPRISE)
IWMPRAISE aims to support the implementation of Integrated Weed Management (IWM). IWMPRAISE will demonstrate that adoption of IWM supports more sustainable cropping systems both agronomically and environmentally, which are resilient to external impacts without jeopardising profitability or the steady supply of food, feed and biomaterials. IWMPRAISE aims to develop, test and assess management strategies delivered across whole cropping systems for four contrasting management scenarios representing typical crops in Europe. Project Leader: Maurizio Settin IPSP personnel: Donato Loddo, Laura Scarabel, Silvia Panozzo. Start: 01/06/2017 End: 30/11/2022
Read MoreInnovazione Tecnologica e Ambientale per la gestione dei trattamenti nella viticoltura eroica (ITACA)
In Italy, high-quality vines are frequently grown in small fields with slope steeper than 5–10%, where an air-blast sprayer is impractical. For this reason, spray-gun application of pesticides is used, a technique that is very costly and labour intensive, and that causes high pesticide exposure of the operators. A possible alternative is the use of fixed spraying systems. Two fixed spraying systems were in vineyards in Valdobbiadene and Soave with the aim to evaluate the spray drift deposition pattern, the crop protection performances and the pesticides residues on grapes. Results…
Read MoreScarabel Laura
email: laura.scarabel(AT); tel. 049.827.2822
Read MorePanozzo Silvia
email: silvia.panozzo(AT); tel. 049.827.2628
Read MoreSattin Maurizio
email: maurizio.sattin(AT); tel. 049.827.2820
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