publications: Orcid
personal details and activity: People
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2000, my research activity is focused on weeds and in particular on biology, ecology and herbicide resistance of weed populations in the main cropping systems.
The research activity includes the national monitoring of new cases of resistant weeds and the determination of weed population resistance profiles through bioassays conducted in a semi-controlled environment. This activity is conducted with the collaboration of the members of the Italian Working Group on Herbicide Resistance (GIRE) and has led to the national database creation of resistant cases and a website that I currently manage.
My main interests are focused on the study of resistance mechanisms, resistance inheritance and study of processes that lead to the spread of weed populations in the agronomic context. This activity entails a study at different levels (gene, plant and weed populations) and has allowed me to develop skills in molecular biology techniques and, more recently, to approach new sequencing technologies.
In recent years I have been involved in the study of new invasive weed species, difficult to control such as Amaranthus tuberculatus and A. palmeri in soybean and Cyperus esculentus in rice. The activity includes the biological characterization of these populations and the set-up of management strategies (chemical, agronomic) for their control. Finally, I’m developing molecular tools (LAMP) for rapid diagnosis of resistant weed species.
Project Leader for: Nuovi sistemi di diagnosi veloce e tecniche a basso impatto ecotossicologico per contenere fenomeni di resistenza di patogeni, fitofagi e malerbe (RESISTI)