Gruppo Italiano di lavoro sulla Resistenza agli Erbicidi (GIRE)
GIRE includes members from public research, University, agrochemical industry and advisors. In keeping with the mission of HRAC (Herbicide Resistance Action Committee) and the herbicide resistance Group of EWRS (European Weed Research Society), the mission is to facilitate the communication between the stakeholders. The activities include monitoring, profiling and prepare ...
Innovazione Tecnologica e Ambientale per la gestione dei trattamenti nella viticoltura eroica (ITACA)
In Italy, high-quality vines are frequently grown in small fields with slope steeper than 5–10%, where an air-blast sprayer is impractical. For this reason, spray-gun application of pesticides is used, a technique that is very costly and labour intensive, and that causes high pesticide exposure of the operators. A possible ...
Integrated Weed Management: PRActical Implementation and Solutions for Europe (IWMPRISE)
IWMPRAISE aims to support the implementation of Integrated Weed Management (IWM). IWMPRAISE will demonstrate that adoption of IWM supports more sustainable cropping systems both agronomically and environmentally, which are resilient to external impacts without jeopardising profitability or the steady supply of food, feed and biomaterials. IWMPRAISE aims to develop, test ...
Nuovi sistemi di diagnosi veloce e tecniche a basso impatto ecotossicologico per contenere fenomeni di resistenza di patogeni, fitofagi e malerbe (RESISTI)
Action type: PSR Emilia-Romagna 2014-2020 – Operazione 16.1.01 Grant number: n. 5149124 Funds received: € 68.992,80 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development The project aims to develop and validate innovative molecular diagnostic tools (LAMP = Loop-mediated isothermal amplification, ddPCR = Droplet Digital PCR) to early identify resistant weeds, insects ...
Sperimentazione di campo di lungo periodo per la gestione di popolazioni di Lolium spp. con resistenza multipla ALS/ACCasi
The aim of the project is to evaluate the effects of different resistance management strategies on resistance evolution and control efficacy of a population of Lolium spp multiple resistant to ALS and ACCasi inhibiting herbicides, Project Leader: Maurizio Settin IPSP personnel: Donato Loddo. Start: 01/09/2017 End: 15/04/2024 ...