publications: ORCID
personal details and research activity: People
Curriculum Vitae
Since beginning of my carrier, my research field focus on the taxonomy of nematodes by morphological approach, with particular regard to agro-economically important plant parasitic species. In the frame of an integrated approach, aiming to characterize nematode pests affecting the quality of economically important field-, forestry and nursery crops by morpho-biological, molecular and phylogenetic studies, my contribution is targeted to the study of morpho-diagnostic parameters useful to get a precise identification of economically or environmentally important species, for their more effective and sustainable management. Within this context, I provided a recent contribution to identification of alien species from imported plant material and I am still investigating on plant parasitic nematode species from various sources. Within a recent national project, I am involved in characterization of nematode pests associated to grape and maize crops.
I provided an identification and description of several new species, both plant parasitic and associated to insects, or from natural environments. I care in vitro and in vivo (by carrot disc axenic cultures) plant nematode collections; I also collaborated to study of parasitism genes in root-lesion nematodes. A more recent research area focuses on the biodiversity of entomopathogenic nematodes from both Italy and other countries, which I am collaborating with, under bilateral projects. Lately, I have joined the EPPO ‘panel of diagnostics in Nematology’, where I provide my contribution, together with European experts, to revision and preparation of diagnostic protocols of plant parasitic nematode pests of quarantine importance. Finally, I have a teaching assignment of nematology for the Master course in IPM at CIHEAM-IAM in Valenzano (BA) and collaborate, as part of the staff, to activities of IPSP-Dissemination Group (GruCoDis).
I provided an identification and description of several new species, both plant parasitic and associated to insects, or from natural environments. I care in vitro and in vivo (by carrot disc axenic cultures) plant nematode collections; I also collaborated to study of parasitism genes in root-lesion nematodes. A more recent research area focuses on the biodiversity of entomopathogenic nematodes from both Italy and other countries, which I am collaborating with, under bilateral projects. Lately, I have joined the EPPO ‘panel of diagnostics in Nematology’, where I provide my contribution, together with European experts, to revision and preparation of diagnostic protocols of plant parasitic nematode pests of quarantine importance. Finally, I have a teaching assignment of nematology for the Master course in IPM at CIHEAM-IAM in Valenzano (BA) and collaborate, as part of the staff, to activities of IPSP-Dissemination Group (GruCoDis).