Baptista Ruiz Andrea Carolina

RESEARCH FELLOW publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae Dr. Andrea Baptista obtained her degree in Chemistry from the Universidad de los Andes in Mérida, Venezuela, where she completed her thesis at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC). She later earned a Ph.D. from the National University of Córdoba in Argentina, focusing on the study of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of biogenic and anthropogenic origin in urban air, such as aldehydes and terpenes. Her research also encompassed the kinetics and degradation processes of VOCs, during which…

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Semenzato Giulia

RESEARCH FELLOW publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae I graduated in Molecular and Applied Biology in 2021 and subsequently pursued a Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology at the University of Florence. During my Ph.D., I investigated the role of bacterial endophytes in medicinal plant-microbes interactions, focusing particularly on the production of secondary metabolites with antibacterial activity. Specifically, I performed a phenotypic and molecular characterization of endophytic bacteria isolated from plants of the genus Origanum. My research activities included studying the structure and composition of microbial…

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Naliwajski Marcin Robert

RESEARCH FELLOW publications: Orcid personal details and research activity: People Curriculum Vitae My main research activity is focused on studying the mechanism of plant acclimation to salt stress in cucumber (in vitro and in vivo studies) – changes in primary carbon and nitrogen metabolism, as well as in the pro- and antioxidant system. Additionally, I am also interested in the role of nanoparticles in: response of plants to abiotic stress in cytologycal, physiological, biochemical levels as well as production of secondary metabolites, especially in Taxus x media and Rindera graeca.…

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CO2 CAPTuring from nature-based building TILEs (CAP-TILE)

The project LIFE CAPT-TILE, financed by the European Union, aims at developing innovative and easily accessible solutions for a green and sustainable architecture. This project focuses on the integration of novel clay tiles with urban greening systems able to host a layer of “synthetic mineral soil” which allows plants to grow on green surfaces, like roofs and façades, thus contributing to capture CO2 and remove pollutants from the atmosphere. This solution, designed to be light, modular and simple to set up, seeks to significantly reduce the costs of installation and…

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Alderotti Francesca

RESEARCHER francesca.alderotti(AT) publications: Orcid Curriculum Vitae My research activity is aimed at studying the physiological and biochemical responses of Mediterranean tree species and energy crops to abiotic stresses. In particular, I have conducted research to investigate the physiological responses and defence mechanisms displayed by plants when exposed to variations in the main environmental factors such as water availability, temperature and light under both natural and controlled conditions. The techniques used to study the physiological responses of plants to abiotic stresses, range from dendrochronological measurements, gas exchanges, chlorophyll fluorescence water relations,…

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