Research Projects

Research projects currently active at the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection:

From plant wastes to compost tea and microbial consortia. A natural pathway for biostimulation and biocontrol of key pathogens in grapevine and legumes and for restoring soil fertility

The project Plantìa is the winner of the selection “From soil to the field – Multidisciplinary approach to improve the crop adaptation to the climate changes” promoted by the Consortium Ager-Agroalimentare and research. CREA-OF (Pontecagnano (SA), IPSP-CNR (Sesto Fiorentino, FI) and the University of Naples Federico II – Agriculture Department ...


Prevention and control of new and invasive geminiviruses infecting vegetables in the Mediterranean – PRIMA2018 The GeMed project is dedicated to the assessment of the phytopathological situation and the prevention of potentially dangerous invasive geminivirus infections in the Mediterranean area, with regard to cucurbit and tomato crops. The “circulating geminiviroma” ...

GrapeRescue 2 – Recovery, ex-situ conservation and evaluation of endangered grape cultivars

Grapevine is one of the main crops in Italy. Although 650 wine grape varieties are currently included in the Register, 43% of the national surface under vines is covered by only 10 cultivars. In Piedmont, the 10 most cultivated cover almost 90% of the regional vineyard area. A multi-year activity ...


The GrapeStress main objective is to address important viticulture problems, such as the massive use of fungicides to fight against fungal pathogens and the need for a sustainable management of water resources. Somaclonal lines obtained in the frame of EditGrape project after in vitro application of a selective pressure, aimed ...

Gruppo Italiano di lavoro sulla Resistenza agli Erbicidi (GIRE)

GIRE includes members from public research, University, agrochemical industry and advisors. In keeping with the mission of HRAC (Herbicide Resistance Action Committee) and the herbicide resistance Group of EWRS (European Weed Research Society), the mission is to facilitate the communication between the stakeholders. The activities include monitoring, profiling and prepare ...

Holistic Management of Emerging Pests and Diseases

Aims of the project: Adopting a holistic and multi-actor approach, HOMED aims to develop a full panel of scientific knowledge and practical solutions for the management of emerging native and non-native PnPs threatening European forests. Within HOMED, forest health will be considered broadly, including trees not only in forests, but ...

Identificazione e analisi Funzionale di geni di insetto vettore coinvolti nella Specificità di Trasmissione di fitoplasmi (FOotSTEP)

The aim of the Project is to identify genes of insect vectors involved in specificity of phytoplasma transmission mechanisms by verifying their role in vivo through functional analysis. Customized molecular reagents, such as recombinant phytoplasma membrane proteins and specific antibodies, will be produced and characterized. These molecules will be used ...

Impronte molecolari e meccanismi fisiologici alla base dell’adattamento della vite a stress ambientali estremi (GRAPEFIT)

The GRAPEFIT project was conceived to deepen the physiological and molecular mechanisms at the basis of grapevine adaptability to drought events either occurring over a restricted time span or long-lasting. The main objectives of the scheduled research activities will be: 1) to demonstrate whether vines in vitro regenerated through somatic ...

Innovazione Tecnologica e Ambientale per la gestione dei trattamenti nella viticoltura eroica (ITACA)

In Italy, high-quality vines are frequently grown in small fields with slope steeper than 5–10%, where an air-blast sprayer is impractical. For this reason, spray-gun application of pesticides is used, a technique that is very costly and labour intensive, and that causes high pesticide exposure of the operators. A possible ...

Innovazioni vivaistiche per la corilicoltura piemontese (INNOCORE)

In Piedmont, the hazelnut cultivation is characterized by a constant and significant increase in the total area planted. Thus, considering the growing demand for multiplication material of quality and the specific requirements of the market, the nursery sector must offer certified material, from the phytosanitary point of view, and innovative ...

Integrated Weed Management: PRActical Implementation and Solutions for Europe (IWMPRISE)

IWMPRAISE aims to support the implementation of Integrated Weed Management (IWM). IWMPRAISE will demonstrate that adoption of IWM supports more sustainable cropping systems both agronomically and environmentally, which are resilient to external impacts without jeopardising profitability or the steady supply of food, feed and biomaterials. IWMPRAISE aims to develop, test ...

LIFE MycoRestore “Innovative use of mycological resources for resilient and productive Mediterranean forests threatened by climate change – (LIFE MycoRestore (LIFE18 CCA/ES/001110)

LIFE MycoRestore aims to demonstrate the feasibility of sustainable forestry practices based on the use of mycological resources in Mediterranean forests in Italy, Spain and Portugal. The project (based on three main actions: MycoSylvicolture, MycoEconomy and MicoControl) will help to develop management methodologies to make forests more resistant to pest ...


LODICAM: Development of sustainable management and timely in-field diagnostics against hazelnut powdery mildew, recently introduced in Piedmont With the LODICAM project, we intend to develop a diagnostic system for Erysiphe corylacearum, the causal agent of the new hazelnut powdery mildew disease in Piedmont. Both a rapid and economical molecular diagnosis ...

MELIOR’API INTERREG VI-A France – Italia ALCOTRA 2021-2027

IPSP is working on behalf of the University of Turin on bee virus diagnosis in the Melior’api project, funded by ALCOTRA 2021-2027. The project consists of 8 points: The goal of the Melior’api project is to enable beekeepers to improve the results of their operations by selecting queens that show ...

Metodi Innovativi per la DIfesa dalla Flavescenza Dorata della vite (MIDI)

Grapevine flavescence dorée (FD) is a serious economic problem for the Piedmont wine industry. In the last three years, there has been a resurgence that in some situations is justified by the high presence of the vector insect, Scaphoideus titanus. This situation requires further studies also in the light of ...


The project ‘MICOTI – Fungal microorganisms for the biocontrol of Scaphoideus titanus‘ addresses the problem of managing the leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus, the main vector of the phytoplasma associated with Flavescenza dorata (FD) of grapevine. Due to the epidemic nature of this disease and the severity of the damage caused in ...

Microbial uptakes for sustainable management of major banana pests and diseases (MUSA)

The MUSA project (UE Call H2020-SFS-2016-2017, Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains, topic SFS-11-2016) aims at achieving a sustainable intensification of banana and ensete cultivation in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Canary Islands and the Caribbean, through the identification, development and implementation of IPM methods based on beneficial microorganisms. ...

Miglioramento della competitività delle aziende castanicole mediante applicazione di tecniche innovative di gestione del prodotto in pre-post raccolta (Migliorcast)

L’obiettivo principale del progetto è il miglioramento delle tecniche di trattamento in pre- e post-raccolta del prodotto castanicolo al fine di migliorarne la qualità e la conservabilità. Il progetto mira ad implementare metodologie innovative per ridurre la perdita di prodotto in conservazione. Tali tecniche innovative saranno sostenibili sia da un ...

Mining ectomycorrhizal genomes and transcriptomes: from pan-genome to adaptive evolution in a climate change scenario

The purpose of the project related to Proposal 507866 – CSP New Investigator Proposal (2021 Q3 NI) of DOE Joint Genome Institute is the whole genome re-sequencing of 36 different isolates and fruit bodies belonging to four widespread ectomycorrhizal fungal species, i.e., Tuber borchii, Suillus collinitus, Pisolithus tinctorius, and Scleroderma ...

Monitoraggio e gestione sostenibile di nematodi fitoparassiti su vite e mais (NemaGest – MBLab)

In the last decades, climate change contributes to further increase the economic damages caused by nematodes, both due to spreading of very harmful species such as root-knot nematodes (since mostly tropical species and well adapted to warmer environments), and the arrival of alien species not previously recorded in the area. ...